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2006 – International Scientific and Public Conference
”Children of New Consciousness” (October 8–11)

From October 8 to 11 2006, in the N. Roerich Center-Museum in Moscow, International Scientific and Public Conference “Children of New Consciousness” took place. The conference organizer was the International Center of the N. Roerichs, with participation of the Unified Scientific Center for Problems of Cosmic Mentality, the International League for Protection of Culture, the International Association of World Foundations, the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the K. Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, the H. Roerich Charity Foundation. The conference was supported by the UN Information Center in Moscow and the UNICEF.

The conference participants included 6 Academicians, 15 Doctors of Sciences, 14 Candidates of Sciences, beside Russian scientists, the conference was attended by representatives from Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel, Finland, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, the USA, Canada.

Conference “Children of New Consciousness” brought together a considerable number of pedagogues, philosophers, psychologists, medical specialists, and representatives of state and public organizations dealing with issues of children’s education and upbringing.

Most reports were dedicated to important problems of cosmic evolution, creative work of which has resulted in birth of children with new consciousness and new energetics. From the 80s of the previous century, this phenomenon acquired mass character. This phenomenon, which does deserve attention, is confirmed by many theses of the Living Ethics – philosophy of cosmic reality which contains methodology of new cosmic thinking and testifies to inevitability of appearance of man of a new energetic species on the Earth in this transitory period. Homo Spiritus – Man of Spirit is coming to substitute for Homo Sapiens – Man of Sense.

Being a new energetic species of mankind, these children require a special attitude not only in the sphere of education and upbringing, but in all social spheres as well, for what the mankind is not yet ready, unfortunately.

The conference keynote was the idea that the appearance of children of new consciousness demands radical reconstruction of the humanity’s world outlook foundations, and, first of all, of the out-of-date system of education and upbringing. Protection of these children under severe conditions of modern civilization is an extremely urgent problem. Especially acute this problem is in today’s Russia, where children are in an emergency situation.

The conference scientific part was completed with a Round Table meeting at which many of its made speeches.

Same as in 2000, when the problem of children of new consciousness was brought up for the first time, children – “the heroes of the day” – were invited to the conference. A special program was prepared for them, including exhibition of children’s drawings “We are Children of Light” which clearly showed the young artist’s cosmic attitude.

Extracts from reports

L. Shaposhnikova
the First Vice-President of the International Center of the Roerichs,
the N. Roerich Museum General Director,
RANS and TRAC Academician

Fiery Creation of Cosmic Evolution

<…> They have come. Not one by one, as it was 30 years age, but in a whole flow. And only an ignorant man with a low level of mentality can negate this phenomenon. <…> We are talking of the appearance of children with new consciousness, or, as they also call them, children of Light, or indigo, like the color of aura.

Information on them is now received mainly from abroad. Our mass media repeat many things from foreign sources. At that, it should be noted that Russia was the first to formulate this problem, as it was also the first in the complicated process of new cosmic thinking formation. In 2000, the International Center of the Roerichs held its regular International Public and Scientific Conference “New Epoch – New Man” which not only considered the problem of children with new consciousness, but invited children – such consciousness carriers – to participate in it. <...>

Among various sources covering this problem to this or that extent, we must pay attention, first of all, to the Living Ethics, philosophy of cosmic reality, which had direct relation to our great compatriots – Helena and Nicholas Roerichs. Why the Living Ethics? Many of statements of children of new consciousness correspond to its theses. This philosophy itself contains a new system of cognition of new cosmic thinking to which, beyond any doubt, these amazing children belong. <…>

In the Living Ethics, we find information that the present time is a transitory period leading to a New Epoch, New Man, new consciousness and mentality, new evolution (from intellect to spirituality), a new evolutionary turn, and “new heaven and new earth”. The Living Ethics authors called this time “formidable and beautiful”. According to the Living Ethics teaching, before our species of humanity – Homo Sapiens, or Man of Sense, four kinds of mankind existed on the Earth changing each other. Our species is the fifth. The Living Ethics calls these species races, without attaching ethnical meaning to this notion. Now, the sixth species, or the sixth race is coming to change us. <…>

The mass phenomenon of children of new consciousness started, according to all data, in the 1980s, and we turned out to be lucky witnesses of the mankind cosmic evolution turning point. From the endless cosmic space, wizards, great scientists, outstanding philosophers, new musicians and new artists, spiritual teachers, selfless workers, saints have been coming – in short, all those who have been preparing for many centuries and millenniums the changes which are now taking place in the space of cosmic evolution. Those have come who, having entered involution, will lead the humanity and the planet to the heights of the evolution. Children of new consciousness confirm the cosmic laws of which we learn from the living Ethics. They include the law of opposition of evolution and involution, the law of reincarnation during evolution, the law of cause and effect relationship, and many others, which are until now negated by traditional science but have been accepted for many centuries by meta-science which has used spiritual internal space of man in cognition. <…>

One of the most important specific features of indigo children, children of Light, is that knowledge with which they have come to Earth. What they speak about, what they tell us, absolutely fits the system of new cosmic thinking which is being formed on our planet. At that, it becomes clear that this knowledge is obtained not from the field of empiric science, but is the result of meta-science, in other words – knowledge of spiritual and cosmic space. This circumstance deserves special attention. Each piece of knowledge carried by children of new consciousness has sense and, probably, so far unknown to us purpose. The problem of reincarnation holds an important place in their unique sum of knowledge. Many of them not only remember their previous life, but many previous lives. This knowledge of the past is not invented or resulting from fantasies, but is quite real. Children tell about it at a very early age, with real descriptions and details which cannot be possibly known to them in any way on the earthly plane. <…>

According to the Living Ethics, the forthcoming New Epoch will be the epoch of Heart. And the latter is a storage of wisdom which is so necessary for cognition of the surrounding world through heart. The Living Ethics books include one, especially dedicated to spiritual and energetic issues of the heart, which bears the same name – “The Heart”. Wisdom, which shows itself in man irrespective of his age, testifies that he has learnt to use the heart as a space of consciousness and instrument of cognition. Children of new consciousness who are to create a New Epoch on Earth – the epoch of Heart – of course, must possess wisdom and teach others this wisdom. <…>

Most such children have an aptitude for peace making. They have a developed sense of dignity, and all kinds of elements of slavery, adulation, or fear are not characteristic of them. They have very developed internal freedom which shows itself very expressly in their behavior. Standing in a queue or in formation is not possible for them. They often have problems with the authorities and various established systems in which they see no sense.

The above qualities testify to high spiritual development, independent and creative thinking of such children, but this phenomenon essence is not being explained from the philosophic point of view. One can see sometimes attempts of such explanations in literature, but in most cases, they rather make the problem more confused than clarify it. <…>

<…> these children’s views are consonant with what we read in the Living Ethics about a New Man, New Epoch of our planet. The live example of children of Light as if illustrated the Living Ethics energetics and ideas, and turned them in front of our eyes into the action of our cosmic evolution. The Living Ethics is not only a philosophic teaching for our species of mankind, but also for the new one, which has already come. Appearance of children of Light, children of new consciousness, indigo children, representatives of the sixth race is a live proof of urgency, effectuality, and necessity of the real cosmos philosophy. It removes from the Living Ethics the stamp “I believe – I don’t believe” and opens before the teaching a wide road not only to the world of science, renovating the same, but to many people who have come to contact with children of Light, but have not yet understood or did not want to understand who they are and what is their evolutionary mission.

Mass phenomenon of children of new consciousness will willingly or unwillingly contribute to reconstruction of our world and change of our present civilization, and first of all, this must be reflected in the system of upbringing and education which are now, sad as it may be, going through an acute crisis period. It is the children of Light that will start moving the stagnant system and will make us think and act in a different way. <…>

Lack of understanding on the part of the surrounding people results in the fact that what the children tell about does not arouse any trust, and primarily, the scientists’ trust. So, a considerable part of information which these children possess remains unrealized. Homo Sapiens, at the crucial time of cosmic evolution, proved to be far from rising to the occasion. Showing little hospitality to the children of new consciousness, Man of Sense often gets into conflict with them instead of collaboration. The result is that protection of children of Light from all kinds of attacks and ignorant lack of understanding becomes more and more urgent. <…>

In this situation, one cannot help remembering the biblical legend of king Herod who, having learnt of Jesus’ birth, gave an order to kill infants in the hope that little Jesus will also be killed. Fortunately, this did not happen, they managed to protect him. And shall we protect children getting ruined by the acts of parents who have lost their human essence, and other fiends? And among usual children, children of new consciousness can be found, and they certainly are, children, who have not yet been noticed by anybody in Russia. <…>

H. Chernozemova
Doctor of Philology,


<…> The conference became necessary also due to the fact that not always high quality, sometimes with bad metaphysics and esoterics, publications on the problems of childhood appeared. Clubs and seminars are organized, which suggest sometimes weird approaches to settlement of problems related to new children. That is why the issue of preparation of specialists capable of working with the new children in a new way is very acute. <…>

<…> the books of Jan Tober and Lee Carroll refer children of various groups to the “indigo” category: hyperactive, outistic, prone to schizophrenia, pedagogically neglected – in short, all who present problems, children of special needs. Children with unusual qualities, carriers of new consciousness are added to these. The books authors believe that all children need help today, and this position is absolutely right and is supported by us. But within this problem, there is another, acuter issue related to the fact that, at the background of the mass of children which is changed in general, special children have appeared which show really new qualities:

– They tell about previous lives, give names of locations where they lived, for example, in Africa or in Egypt; they tell about tools, specific features of the plants which surrounded them. This is information that can be checked, and it is confirmed afterwards.

– They possess knowledge which nobody has given them, showing a highly structured mentality and an ability for settlement of complicated problems, revealing at that an inborn high sense of morality. When solving the suggested tasks, they actually demonstrate a meta-scientific method of cognition, synthesizing the elements of experience and intuition. It is this kind of synthesis necessity that the modern scientists start to realize nowadays. Such scientists are working today in the Unified Scientific Center for Study of Cosmic Mentality Problems. New children come with an already formed point of view on how the world should be cognized, and they show extraordinary possibilities of such method of cognition. <…>

New children’s position in the world is extremely difficult today. Due to their subtlety and psychic organization peculiarities, they can get into conflict with the school collective, showing intolerance when fighting for their position, as they possess an acute sense of justice, but they can also evade the conflict refusing to go to school. <…>

Gifted children easily perceive and operate the knowledge that is given to them, and, proceeding from it, easily go further; new children easily operate the knowledge that nobody has given to them, acquiring it by an unknown to us method. <…>

1. Despite all the openness, gentleness, and cordiality of children of new consciousness, it is impossible to force them to do what they do not find necessary or consider unacceptable for themselves. When objecting, they always take into account your point of vie. When they feel the need to do something their own way, you see in their eyes compassion, they feel sorry that you will have to go through unpleasant moments because of them. Such level of sympathy and compassion strikes.

2. As a rule, they show their creative abilities studying willingly painting, drawing, music. At that, they do not perceive themselves as future artists or musicians, it is just easier for them to make contacts through the harmonized world of art, the laws of which are for them more acceptable than tacitly established laws of society, like the principle of hardness of heart allegedly bringing success in the world of tough competition. Such children are most often miscellaneous and show themselves simultaneously in a few spheres of creative work. At that, their ability shades complement each other. Due to their gift synthetic character, it is not possible or expedient to study their abilities fractioning them into separate types.

3. A special sense of justice does not allow these children to behave arrogantly with the surrounding people. The latter note is especially important in connection with mythologemes which are formed around children of new consciousness. <…>

To counterbalance the suggested Western approaches to distinguishing the new children’s qualities, we have formulated those criteria that we believe are important in the process of new consciousness carriers revelation:

1. Altruism and self-abandonment as the qualities of a developed heart and developed natural morality combined with a developed intellect and well structured consciousness.

2. The search for a method of their knowledge transfer. Refusal to communicate with those who, in their opinion, are incapable of understanding what they are talking about. In a number of cases, unwillingness to speak until the age of three years old, though they can already know all the letters by this age.

3. Endurance, backbone. Ability to find power for restoration in the most desperate situations. Sense of purpose.

4. Integrity of world perception.

5. Luminosity (you feel easy by their side).

6. Feeling of relation to the Higher.

7. Determination on collaboration (sometimes demonstration of self-sustainability).

8. Disagreement with a negative outcome, striving for correcting the situation, completing the fairy-tale, finishing the song.

9. Obsession with freedom.

10. Sincerity (manifestation of the “inner child”).

11. Possession of energy which at times cannot be mastered.

12. Love for motion, preference of trips to sitting games.

13. Possession of super-sensitivity close to extrasensorics.

14. Striving for creation of their own life space. <…>

S. Bogoslovsky
Candidate of Chemistry, Docent of the Technological University
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry,

Novelty. Consciousness. Childhood

<…> Speaking about new children, we should differentiate between two aspects of newness. Any child is new. Any child is born for the future. From this point of view, division of children into “new” and “old” looks not so apt. At the same time, “the main tune” of the new generation set by the evolutionary wave “sounds” with different power and fullness in different mentalities. In this respect, the “children of new consciousness” already today demonstrate what will become a general achievement only in a certain period of time, so, as messengers of evolution, they can be called the first and new. <…>

Giftedness is usually understood as an ability for outstanding achievements in some kind of activity. The working concept of giftedness formulated in the framework of the federal target program defines giftedness as an “integral manifestation of various abilities” and notes that “absence or loss of spirituality has often resulted in a loss of talent”. The concept distinguishes types of abilities manifesting themselves in practical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetical, communicative, and related to spiritual values activities what means “abilities in creation of new spiritual values and purposes, in service to people”. <…>.

We believe it necessary to add to the above list a kind of giftedness which is in a certain sense synthetic and determines development of others. This is cordiality, that is possession of a vivid, refined, active heart, giving birth to self-abandonment, devotion, persistence, determination, simplicity, fearlessness, vision… A cordial man uses all the gifts of his consciousness abilities for the benefit, he will always help, and it will be always light around him. It is cordiality that integrates and turns various abilities into a gift of service to people! At the same time, it is the most modest and the least self-imposing giftedness. They readily use heart-gifted people, but seldom recognize their amazing gift as the brightest and the most necessary talent. And such people are the cement of the world! How needed are the programs of upbringing aimed at development of cordiality! How do we know if it is not cordiality tat is the main sign of new consciousness? <…>

For the very principle of the heart does not allow people of new consciousness to ignore injustice, to leave unnoticed ugliness, distortion of Truth. Such purification is urgently needed, but it is naïve to believe that it will be readily accepted by everyone. The life of Cosmic evolution messengers abounds with examples of sophisticated baiting, keeping in the shade, deprivations. Even for a common man it would be hard to face the ordeals through which they went, and they were subtle and sensitive people! The historical experience shows: the life of children of new consciousness will not be easy, they will need our protection! They will also need support when they grow up. Both them and us need active collaboration. Humanity as a planetary phenomenon is single, and appearance of more and more children with an active and better formed hearty principle foreruns a period of general active development of cordiality. Though, as in everything related to consciousness, acceptance of this beautiful possibility depends on a personal choice, for development of consciousness does not endure violence. And still, the forthcoming time carries happy chances for everyone. If we accept them depends to a great extent on our mentality collaboration with new ideas: for such collaboration makes active the Principle of Beauty which animates the heart!

А. Akimov
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
RANS Academician


<…> Children of Light early grow up, if only the notion “grow up” can be applicable to them. Moreover, unlike gifted children which can operate complicated categories (however, only those that they have been taught), the children of Light use categories and make statements which they seemingly could not know from anywhere. And this fact is fundamentally important, proving that the children of Light are not just gifted children, but this is a new phenomenon in human environment. Not by chance H. Roerich wrote: “Science can get precious data from children”. <...>

However, as it happens quite often, the society both in the West and in the East turned out to be unprepared for appearance of the children of Light. They are characterized with an initially higher level of intellect in comparison with usual children, but in kindergartens and schools, they have to be in groups of children of their age. The adult environment is also alien to them, for the majority of adults just have no spirituality or morality. Those contradictions often make the reason for depressions of children of Light, and sometimes, inclination for suicide.

It is obvious that such situation is not normal neither in the pedagogical, nor in the social sense. One of the main lines of contact undoubtedly lies in the tideway of pedagogy. <...>

Understanding that the fundamental factors of viability of the children of Light are Spirituality, Morality, Love, children from schools of Humane Pedagogy would make the best environment for the children of Light, as it is these categories that are basic for such schools students. <...>

As H. Roerich warned, “now the mankind has approached a turning point when spirituality must triumph, otherwise ruin threatens the planet”. The very fact of children of Light existence, according to H. Roerich, testifies that “the dawn of New Epoch of recognition of Spirit is kindling”. And the children of Light are, probably, the first rays of this dawn of New Epoch. <...>

A new situation is being formed, when education and upbringing cannot remain as they were before. Knowledge which the children of Light possess is by far ahead of the modern school textbooks contents, in which even the modern level of science and technology is presented very poorly. <...>

There is another problem related to the children of Light. Probably, my point of view will look radical, and so unacceptable to many people, but the problem does exist. Since the children of Light are born with a ready basis of true knowledge (this possibility can be shown using simple physical models), and such children will make an overwhelming majority in the future, and then only this kind of children will be born, then the question arises: “And does pedagogy have future at all?” There are valid objections against this point of view. But do not hurry to make conclusions, we are trying to look into too unknown and too distant future.

It is important not to just realize the necessity for acquiring spirituality, but to have a deep understanding that it is spirituality that must become the dominant of the internal world at such an early time as childhood, become the main orientation in the attitude towards life. For it is impossible to imagine any other civilization but spiritual in the future, but it should be created in the present. Today, while in the majority of schools, not only they do not remember of spirituality, but there is not even any understanding of spirituality, schools of Humane Pedagogy are being created all over Russia, and thousands of teachers work, whose whole way of life, whose spiritual world is the World of the Living Ethics. <…>

N. Guindilis
Candidate of Psychology,

Modern Senior High School Students’ Values and the Notion of “Indigo Children”

<…> In connection with the indigo children, I would like to outline a few questions. Firstly, there is no clear definition of this notion. The first dedicated to this subject book “The Indigo Children” by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober provides such children’s characteristics simple enumeration which is quite eclectic. Most researches of this problem do not distinguish pivot issues differentiating the indigo children from the others, but mention all kinds of qualities, a number of which are, in my opinion, features characteristic of the modern children generation in general. <...>

Secondly, one should clearly differentiate between peculiarities characteristic of just gifted and creative individualities and the indigo children. Both, for instance, are distinguished by such qualities as neglect for rules and examples, the need for a possibility of making a choice, persistence in having their own way. But not all creative children are indigo children.

Thirdly, one should not confuse difficult children with indigo children. Very often, in descriptions of the latter, difficulties related to behavior in some cases showing itself as deviant in general, come to the foreground. <...>

I believe it important to put emphasis on those peculiarities of the new children which distinguish them from just modern children: creative, difficult, and just those who feel different, unlike the others. Children feeling as black sheep have always been, but far from always those were children of new consciousness. While for the latter, to my mind, high spirituality and relation to the subtle, Divine world are determinant qualities. <...>

The new children are different between themselves same as all other children: each of them has his own individuality. I do not call to making of them some kind of little angels, endowed with only positive features. Entrance into our human world can result in estrangement, unsociability, protest, and other peculiarities in their behavior. I rather share the point of view of those psychologists and pedagogues who believe that, with their difficult behavior, these children as if put a mirror before adults, helping them to see and realize their own problems which provoke such behavior. And still, when we are talking of the children of new consciousness, it is this consciousness characteristics, and not their behavior peculiarities that must be the most important.

Francesca Barbagli
Doctor of Psychology of the Scientific and Research Center
for New Upbringing,
Milan, Italy

Children of New Generation: the Seed of New Consciousness

The children - carriers of new consciousness come to the world with an unusual equipment replete with thousands of possibilities: many of them, like philosophers, from the cradle start thinking of the meaning of life or how to save the planet. Sometimes they are scientists, inventers, or artists with an inborn talent. However, our society, still relying on old models, tries to belittle such children’s merits, which can result in a crisis of widely used methods of upbringing. These special children have energetics and vital force of a higher level in comparison with those possessed by other children. Besides, they experience more difficulties in establishment of relations with the surrounding world. <...>

No all children of such type are necessarily successful at school. On the contrary, school can be an extremely hard ordeal for them. Stiff educational frames are too “narrow” for such children’s psychics. <…>

Probably, from very early childhood, levels of abstract or intuitive intellect, perceptive to higher ideals always accompanying man in various cultures, are very active in these children; they are characterized with possessing values of the Beautiful, the Truth, the Good; a concept of evolution understood as ascent from darkness to light; models of direct relations, group activities, brotherhood, consensus; service as an activity is directed in their case at these magnets demonstration in everyday life with the purpose of bringing the maximum benefit to a maximum number of people.

It is obvious that such children upbringing applied in such a wide perspective cannot be just reduced to a combination of measures and instructions directed at assistance in inclusion in the social world. It is, by all means, one of the goals, but not the only one and not the most important one. The fundamental goal is development of consciousness and deeper manifestation of abilities and qualities carried by these children are. <…>

Round Table Meeting

L. Shaposhnikova:

<…> The Russian language helps to understand many words the meaning of which is forgotten. First of all, this is the word “сознание” (“consciousness, mind, mentality”). If one knows Russian, saying “сознание”, one means knowledge which corresponds to somebody else’s knowledge, that is, it is not just knowledge, it is co-knowledge (literal translation of the Russian word “сознание” – translator’s note). Сознание (consciousness) contains, first of all, a sum of knowledge. And if this consciousness is new, the children coming to this world carry new knowledge for us. That is why revelation of the essence of the consciousness notion explains the expression “people of new consciousness.

The second issue to which I would like to draw your attention is the problem of energetics. Both children of new consciousness and usual children can be gifted. They can become musicians and artists, writers and poets – anything. But a writer or an artist can have a high level of energetics, or a usual one. Children whom we call indigo, children of Light, are children of new consciousness, they have new energetics, because nothing new can appear without new energetics and new consciousness. And when they state that nothing phenomenal has happened in this world, but there is new pedagogy, I would like to ask: so where from has this new pedagogy appeared if it has no foundation – either energetic or spiritual? Children of new consciousness have energetics of a higher level (I spoke about new energetics in my report, but I am not sure it was noticed), it contains subtle vibration, higher intensity. It is this higher energetics that is the reason for all that we see in the children of new consciousness. Only that. And if we, studying these children, do not take into consideration the level of their energetics, we shall not obtain anything but some more or less interesting conclusions. <...>

But it should be noted that there is no single quality distinguishing children of new consciousness from usual children, no, there is a complex of qualities. I will mention some of them.

When they say that children of new consciousness are wise, this refers to the heart <...> For wisdom of cognition is not in the intellect. The intellect works like a computer – the program is set, and it works (though it is also important). And more extensive, belonging to a higher dimension consciousness and cognition are, of course, the heart. This sign that we note in children of new consciousness is very important and necessary. Of course, usual children also have the heart. There are cordial children, but their possibility of open heart has not yet been realized. It is potential, and it depends on the upbringing if it will be developed or not. And in case of children with new consciousness, this realization has already taken place. So, the role of the heart as instrument of cognition, the role of the heart as one of the most important structures of the inner world from where this knowledge comes is obvious. <...>

Children of new consciousness carry in themselves synthesis, but they carry it not in a box, but in the harmony of the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain, and such harmony gives them a possibility of integral approach to the world, what is extremely important. This is reflected in their behavior, and the knowledge, and the action. But the problem is still there. I do not think that it is possible to convince right away, but we could think of it, could argue, as the interaction of the two hemispheres is connected with human creative activity. And creative activity of children with a higher consciousness, new consciousness, other consciousness is different from creative activity of usual children. By creative results, one can always determine where is which child. It is necessary to do it, but not to mechanically divide these from those, but to understand with whom we are dealing and to clearly realize what is a child with new consciousness and how to treat this child. <...>

And another thing. I turn again to the Russian language. When we are speaking about the process of training, upbringing, we use two interesting words: “education” and “enlightening” and believe that those are synonyms. We can say: Министерство просвещения (the Ministry of “Enlightening”), Министерство образования (the Ministry of Education) attaching to these titles the same meaning. In reality, these words’ semantic meanings are absolutely different. When we say “education”, we mean the process which makes one think using images. (The Russian word “образование” – education – has the same root as the word “образ” – image. – translator’s note). An image is a very important process, creative process. <...>

Education is not just training, it is a broad, multi-dimensional process. And only this understanding of education can be used in regards to children of high, new consciousness. The root of the word “просвещение” (“enlightening”) is light (“свет” in Russian), that is man needs to be enlightened. It is not enough to tell him: “Twice two makes four”, it is necessary that he understand that there is Light where he lives, which carries very many and important things for his life, creative work, activities. <...>

It is also necessary to emphasize the Living Ethics Teaching role in the study of children with new consciousness – this is the study methodological basis, because, firstly, the Living Ethics appeared a little earlier that these children came. It happened in the 20s of the XX century, and the first children of new consciousness, according to the Living Ethics, started to appear from 1944. That means, 20 years before their appearance, the Living Ethics already spoke about it. Secondly, everything related to the children of new consciousness lies in the space of new cosmic thinking, and the Living Ethics is a new system of cosmic thinking. So, those who think that the Living Ethics should be rejected (unfortunately, if traditional science does not understand something, it rejects it) are wrong. I will repeat – the Living Ethics is the basis for the study of children of new consciousness. <...>

Another thing that I would like to say and what is also a problem related to the children of new consciousness. The delivered reports mentioned the problem of culture very little and very seldom. And culture is the basis of all that we are talking about now, because it is the energetic fundamental field and the main foundation of the cultural-and-spiritual, cosmic evolution of mankind. If there is no culture, we shall not be able to do anything. We shall not even be able to preserve these children, children of new consciousness, because we shall not understand this phenomenon. Unfortunately, for more than one decade, and especially now, culture is trampled under dirty boots. So, the problem of culture is, to my mind, very closely related to the problem of protection of children of new consciousness.

N. Tiutiuguina
Art Critic, Ufa:

Yes, we really live in a period when mass “slaughter of the innocents” is under way, what is related to the fact that children with a special mission are coming. Those are children of the sixth race, children of new consciousness. But, as I think, the relation to the Higher source does not make them so helpless as it may seem. It is the soil on which these new roses are to grow that is more helpless.

N. Rekun
teacher, Tchernigov, Ukraine:

It would be good if some summarizing book would be published, because the book “The Indigo Children” by the American authors is not enough, besides, in some places it tackles the problem of new children in not quite the right way. <...> it is written there, for example, of the incredible stubbornness of those children which are allegedly ready to break the wall with their foreheads or even kill a man, what absolutely distorts information of the indigo children. I believe that the teachers and parents who have paid a special attention to this opinion of the Americans, and proceed from it in their attitude towards such children, should be given correct information.

P. Zhouravikhin
the H. Roerich Charity Foundation:

At the conference of 2000 “New Epoch – New Man”, such words sounded: “The children that are coming are the mankind’s new cultural elite”. I believe, in the days of today’s conference, we have really seen its representatives. Those children and culture are inseparable, and this is cosmic evolution itself, which takes place in the cultural field. <...>

We call them “indigo children”, “children of new consciousness”, “children of Light”, and light is also high energetics, energetics of fire. Not by chance, many who have communicated with such children have felt emanated by them extraordinary feeling of warmth and great love. These children’s level of consciousness shows itself at a very early age, they are philosophers, they think using high categories, they look at a process and immediately make generalization. And that is why traditional approaches to these children are unacceptable. <...>

We are these children predecessors, they are following us, but they are higher than us. So, we, adults, must determine what is our task, our goal, how we can help them. <...>

Yes, they are open to the world, but one should not think that they have, so to say, a pink fate. <...> we have also had a chance to communicate with those new children which, through the adults’ fault, have become introverts. When adults injure their psychology with their attitude, they clam up and express their ideas in the language of signs and symbols, in their creative work. And very often, grown-ups cannot understand what these children want to tell, or they only understand a small part of it. So, I would like to draw your attention to the most acute issue: not to what kind of children they are (our conference has shown that this phenomenon does exist, one cannot negate it), but to protection of these children, to the methods of their education and upbringing.