ICR Book by Mail
Please, notice that you can purchase books published by the International Center of the Roerichs presented in our catalogue using ICR service “Book by Mail”.
For your order correct execution, please, read attentively the following information:
- The price of lots in the attached catalogue is specified taking into account the cost of mail delivery within the territory of Russia.
- ATTENTION! For CIS and other countries, the lot price is calculated for each individual case taking into account postal expenses and bank service scale-up factor.
To receive orders:
- Select from the catalogue the lots you are interested in.
- Send your request to e-mail: kniga-pocht@yandex.ru (preferably) or to the address:
To Volokhova, Valentina Alexeyevna, No. 100, Tver, 170100, to be called for.
Specify the numbers of chosen by you lots and their quantity, your complete postal address, full name (surname, name, patronymic), telephone (preferably, cellular), and e-mail address in your request.
- After you receive by e-mail (or SMS) message with the order number and value, trabsfer the specified cash amount:
Payment instruction for transfers in favor of JSCB Тveruniversalbank customers
Intermediary Correspondent Bank |
Payee/Beneficiary’s Bank |
Account with Intermediary: 400886591700EUR
Payee/Account of Ultimate Beneficiary |
Account No: 40802978200003012606
To execute your transfers please fill in the fields following way:
56: Intermediary bank
57: Account with institution
56: Beneficiary customer
/ Номер счета клиента: 40802978200003012606
Имя клиента: ИП VOLOKHOVA V.A.
In the line “payment purpose”, please, be sure to specify “Prepayment for books. Order No. ХХХХХ».
Order execution period – at least 30 days after the money is received.