“He had no limits in the field of knowledge …”. 119th Birth Anniversary of George Roerich in IRMT
18th August 2021 Indian and Russian guests came together in the Roerichs Estate to celebrate 119th Birth Anniversary of George Roerich, elder son of Nicholas and Helena Roerich, a renowned orientalist, buddhologist, linguist, archeologist, traveller, explorer of Central Asia history and culture.
Inauguration of Art Group “MAHSU ART” exhibition in the IRMT
On July 3rd 2012 “Oneness” exhibition of young Indian artists was opened in the Modern Art Exhibition Hall of the IRMT. The artists represent International Art Group “MAHSU ART” from Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh. This group headed by the Director Mrs. Rita Singh allows young artists to show their works and visions of art that they consider as a way for bridging humanity. They organize exhibitions and creativity camps in different parts of India. They have come to the Roerich Estate already for four years. Paintings of nine artists were presented at the exhibition.
Statement by the International Council of Roerich Organizations Named after Svetoslav Roerich
As witnesses and participants of cultural, scientific and educational activities of the ICR and its Museum, as volunteers and assistants of the ICR, we affirm: The International Center of the Roerichs is the legal owner of the Roerichs' heritage, transferred to it by Svetoslav Roerich yet in the time of his life.
Devika Rani, Magic Romantic Flower
Birthday of Devika Rani, an Indian movie star, the wife and muse of Svetoslav Roerich, became one of the most favorite holidays in International Memorial Roerich Trust. It is celebrated on 30th March when spring is deep and the Roerichs Estate welcomes more Indian visitors.
International Scientific and Public Conference “Culture and Civilization. Problems and Solutions”. Moscow, October 9–10, 2021. Information Letter
The purpose of this conference is to draw attention of the scientific community to solving urgent problems of interaction of culture and civilization in the complex historical context of the XXI century.
III International Scientific Readings, dedicated to Lyudmila Shaposhnikova. On the 95th Anniversary of Lyudmila Shaposhnikova's Birth. Information Letter
On July 26, 2021, the III International Scientific Readings dedicated to academician L.V. Shaposhnikova (1926–2015), the founder of the non-governmental Nicholas Roerich Museum (Moscow), its permanent Director-General and executor of the will of Svetoslav Roerich take place. The theme of the III-rd Readings is “Scientific heritage of L.V. Shaposhnikova. The Origins and Prospects of Russian Cosmism”.
“In flowers the Heaven settles down upon Earth”. Spiritual Teacher Day Celebration in the Roerichs Estate
Spring planting flowers at that Holiday dedicated to the Spiritual Teachers of the Humanity has become a good tradition in International Memorial Roerich Trust.
“A bird of humanity can’t fly on only one wing”
International Women’s Day was solemnly celebrated in the Roerich Estate on a spring Sunday a day before the 8th of March. Due to a good tradition on this day The Roerich Trust welcomes women–creators – artists, sculptors, photographers, the ones who make art and culture a part of their lives. So this year the major celebration event was an inauguration of Buddhist Thangka Paintings exhibition “Rima Rimowa” by Indian artist Krishna Tashi Palmo.
“The Karabakh Conflict” Round Table: to Peace through Culture
On February 24, 2021, the ICR was invited to participate in a Round Table entitled “The Karabakh Conflict: to Peace through Culture”, which was initiated by the Armenian public organization of sociological and political initiatives “Khachmeruk”. The event was held online.
DECISION after the meeting of the Ukraine Roerich organization participants and representatives of the international cultural community "The Heritage of the Roerichs and the Lopukhins' Estate" on January 16, 2021
On January 16, 2021, a working meeting of participants of Roerich organizations and representatives of the international cultural community from the 5 countries of Ukraine, Austria, Germany, Russia, and Estonia took place online on the ZOOM platform in Ukraine. The meeting was held with the involvement of representatives of the International Council of Roerich Organizations named after S.N.Roerich and the European Association for the Support of the International Centre of the Roerichs and its public Museum named after N.K.Roerich "EURASSIM".
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